
Doors 19:00. Show 20:00

Okean Elzy - the soundtrack of your life

The energy of art and love.

30 years of Ukraine's favorite band! On 12 October 2024, the band whose songs have become the soundtrack of the lives of millions of Ukrainians, of the most important and crucial moments of the country itself, the voice of the generation of modern Ukraine, will be 30 years old. Songs that we will undoubtedly sing at the Victory concerts, but which for now are the ones that sustain each of us in these difficult times.

The year 2024 will mark the 30th anniversary of Okean Elzy and a new era.

Because OE have always distinguished themselves by never stopping.

Now it will be the same.

At the concerts in 2024 you will hear your favorite songs, the ones you met, went out with, were happy with, were sad with, got married with, had children with, which now go with you to the band's performances.) But you will also hear songs that will mark a completely new stage in the band's history.

What's it all about?

We won't tell you now
But you'll certainly be the first to hear them live at the concert on 25 September 2024 in the Piramide de Arona Playa de las Américas

Come to the Okean Elzy concert and attend the charity auction!

Мрієш про автограф чи унікальну річ від Океану Ельзи? 

Тоді приходь на концерт Океану Ельзи у та бери участь у благодійному аукціоні від гурту та БФ Open Eyes на 30 автомобілів швидкої допомоги для українських медиків. 

Разом ми збираємо $750 000 на необхідне медичне обладнання та автомобілі, які рятуватимуть життя мільйонів українців.

Зацікавили? Тоді очікуй на оголошення аукціону Святославом Вакарчуком наприкінці концерту та бери участь у суперництві за унікальні лоти Океану Ельзи!

До зустрічі на концерті!

Підтримай проект Drive For Life: Okean Elzy Edition за посиланням -


Dreaming of an autograph or a unique item from Okean Elzy? 

Then come to the Okean Elzy concert and participate in the charity auction organized by the band and the Open Eyes Fund for 30 ambulances for Ukrainian medics. 

Together, we are raising $750,000 for essential medical equipment and vehicles that will save the lives of millions of Ukrainians. 

Does that sound impressive? Look forward to Svyatoslav Vakarchuk's auction announcement at the end of the concert and join the competition for unique items from Okean Elzy!

See you at the concert!
Support the Drive For Life: Okean Elzy Edition project at the link -

Photo and video
